Watch Some Weirdo Crush Everything From Bones to Toys With a Train

We've all left pennies on the railroad tracks before, but have you ever left animal bones and watches in a train's path? No? This guy has, and he filmed it.
A train wheel crushes a series of toy cars left on the rail
Train Experiments on YouTube

Destruction has a universal appeal, as proven by everything from supercar vloggers that wreck expensive vehicles to the good old Hydraulic Press Channel. Now, there’s someone that bridges the gap between them, by using a diesel train locomotive to roll over and destroy various objects just for the hell of it.

Much in the same vein as leaving coins on railroad tracks, the individual behind the YouTube channel Train Experiments expands on the idea by leaving a broad array of objects in the path of a locomotive. It’s not clear what type of engine is employed for the task, but that’s beside the point; the entertainment value is in seeing what damage train wheels can do to a variety of test subjects. We’re talking everything from spare nuts and bolts to watches and various toys—such as cars, which make a satisfying crunching noise as they’re run over.

Not all of these attempts at destruction are immediately successful, if at all. For example, one video of attempts to run over an old animal bone results in the wheel simply pushing the bone out of the way a couple of times before the wheel bites. Other videos also sometimes repeat subject matter, while all of them suffer from unfocused editing, as well as clickbait titles and thumbnails so bad you almost feel bad for clicking them. (I also dread finding out what clicking “train vs boobs” has done to my YouTube recommendations.)

If the person behind these videos is reading this, for the love of our sun god upon high: please come up with better titles. If possible, also consider a tripod or even some fancy slow-motion shots. Also, set up a PO Box where people can send you things they’d like destroyed. I’d be glad to contribute a tube of toothpaste—provided we get a wide-angle shot of the aftermath. It’s probably the only way I’m ever going to see anyone blast Colgate further than my record of six feet, seven inches.

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