You Could Win a Polaris Slingshot by Drinking Rockstar

Its Rockstar Energy/Destiny 2 livery is a little odd, but hey, free Slingshot.


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Do you like video games? Do you like energy drinks? Do you like autocycles? If you answered yes to all three then boy, does Polaris/Rockstar Energy/Bungie/Activision/PlayStation have a sweepstakes for you. By collecting tab codes from the eight “collectible” Rockstar Energy cans promoting the new Destiny 2: Forsaken video game, you could win the grand prize of this custom Polaris Slingshot.

Slingshots famously stand out in traffic, but the look of this one is just a bit odd, even by Slingshot standards. There are so many different brands involved here that it just gets confusing. There’s a different logo on each headrest and there are so many different labels going on here that it’s hard to tell what you’re looking at. Even all three wheels have different logos on their center caps. However, it’s still a great grand prize just for drinking energy drinks out of special cans.

The lack of a windshield on this Slingshot indicates that it’s the base S model which normally has a starting price tag of $19,999. You can also win lesser daily and weekly prizes like a PlayStation 4 Pro, and of course the game this whole thing is promoting by entering these codes.

You can enter your codes on the Rockstar Energy/Destiny 2 website where you can also see pictures of the cans to look out for next time you’re at the gas station. Just make sure you know how to drive manual if you’re entering in hopes of winning the Polaris Slingshot.

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