Drive Wire for October 28, 2016: Portland Subaru Accidentally Stolen After Being Mistaken for Another Subaru

Only to be returned by the apologetic thief—along with gas money.


Hey there. Will Sabel Courtney here for Drive Wire on October 28th, 2016.

Today on Drive Wire: A Portland, Oregon woman’s Subaru was accidentally stolen after being mistaken for another Subaru—only to be returned by the apologetic thief shortly thereafter.

When Erin Hatzi’s red 2001 Subaru Impreza went missing on Tuesday, she hopped on Facebook to post pictures from her security camera of the person who appeared to be stealing the car from her driveway.

But as she discovered when the accidental car thief brought the car back on Wednesday evening, the whole thing had been one big misunderstanding. A friend had reportedly asked the “thief” to pick up another red Subaru Impreza parked nearby, but the culprit had gotten confused—and the key had worked just as well in Hatzi’s car.

The inadvertent carjacker did, however, leave Hatzi a sorrowful note—as well as $30 for gas and her troubles.

Only in Portland.

That’s it for Drive Wire on October 28th, 2016. I’m Will Sabel Courtney; thanks for watching, and please check out The Drive for more on the big stories from the transportation world.