One of the lesser observed showdown-of-rivals that occurred over the weekend at the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb was one between two manufacturers—Faraday Future and Tesla. In 2016, a driver took his half-gutted Tesla onto Pikes Peak to set a world record and succeeded. Despite sounding quite unsure if the new automaker would beat the record, Faraday was going to go for it anyway.
Before we get into the details of what happened in the race, let’s talk a little about the FF 91. The 1,050-horsepower FF 91 was developed to have a range of 378 miles (or 482 miles if being driven at a constant 55 mph) on a 130 kWh battery. Despite having one of the largest (and subsequently, likely the heaviest) batteries in a production-bound EV, Faraday also claims that its brainchild will be able to accelerate from 0-60 in just 2.39 seconds.
More importantly, the FF91 has accomplished its goal of beating Tesla after a driver ran 11:48 during last year’s event. The Faraday accomplished the same feat in only 11:25—a blazing 23 seconds quicker than its electric counterpart. Take a look (and listen) to the Faraday make its mark on Pikes Peak during practice.
Sound warning: as a safety precaution, EVs must be equipped with a siren when on Pikes Peak in order to warn people of its presence due to their near-silent operating volume levels.
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The Faraday shaved more than 3 percent of the Tesla’s time off during its best run. This might be the start of a mutual rivalry between the duo, and if so, hopefully it will help ignite more interest in electric-based motorsports.