Watch What It Takes to Run an Exotic Car Rental Business

Xtreme Xperience CMO Joe Moore sits down with VINwiki to talk about stories of running an exotic track experience company.


Xtreme Xperience is an arrive and drive exotic track experience which visits race tracks around the United States. Xtreme Xperience CMO Joe Moore sits down with YouTube channel VINwiki to talk about some crazy situations you have to deal with while running an exotic car track experience company.

Moore talks about the company’s infancy when it would take a few exotic cars and just load up a truck with things the crew might need, however, it was never enough. From a lack of parts and spares to where the company is now, running multiple trailer rigs with all of the parts (and any extras) needed, and an entire fleet of cars. It’s come a long way.

Check out VINwiki‘s Xtreme Xperience video below.