Drivers of New York: Merle

A photographic portrait of America’s most unlikely car lovers.


No matter the shape, no matter the make, no matter the era, The Drive and Classic Car Club have a love affair with the automobile. Somewhere under those steel roofs and carbon engine covers, there’s a personality. It might be that of a champion, or perhaps, more like your recovering alcoholic Uncle Eddie. But it’s undeniably there.

And thus, the birth of this photographic column. These are snippets, little insights into the life of a car and, more importantly, those of the people who own them. There will be no rolling prose, no feature-length interview. Just an automobile and its owner, as seen through the lens of Finnish phenom Tuukka Koski.


153rd St, Harlem. 1998 BMW 528i


Tuukka Koski (

“I love the way this car handles. It’s just spun 200,000 miles, but it still runs like new. I drive a lot in North New Jersey. There are a lot of winding roads up there. One time, it was 11:30 at night. I was driving hard and got into a tank slapper, but I recovered.”

Tuukka Koski (

It was stock when I got it, but I did work to it, like new wheels, a retractable plate and other stuff. I did the carbon trim myself. I had a little trouble with the roof, but I got it straight.”

“I’m working on naming her. I’m thinking Co-Co.”

Tuukka Koski (